Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I collect books, but don't read them.

Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. Even though I know it's too much, I'll keep chomping at what I think needs my attention. There are things that I take too much time worrying about, like impeccable formatting and spelling in text messages, yet those calm moments when I should be walking slower and observing birds in morning song are scrapped and I rush on for the sake of efficiency. I need to reduce the clutter and retain the humility.

Somehow, I think this applies to blogging.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Are You Getting Seen?

I need to do more research on the power of marketing yourself through social media. Today a friend posted a picture with a tween proudly exclaiming, "My status is so funny, I should like it myself!"

"Be open to new social outreach mediums, and learning how to use them."

I do that. I don't know if the algorithm is such that it increases or decreases post rank, but unless people are subscribed to you or have had recent activity with you, they may not see most of your activity unless facebook deems it "important."

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Get A Second Opinion

A friend of mine is midway through writing a book, and has given me the opportunity to proof-read the first few chapters.

"Have a friend proof-read your work."

Its not that he's not good at spelling and grammar, but it never hurts to have a second pair of eyes on your work before it gets out there.
Spell check doesn't always pick up on redundancies.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Trouser Snakes Anonymous.

Confused yet? Do this! Do that!

Well, here's a good tip.

"Give your readers what they expect."

If someone pops in after doing a web search for trouser snakes and finds your page, they expect to find that your page actually has a good deal of quality content regarding pants-dwelling serpents, I think.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hey Buddy Ol' Pal!

I have said not to make a personal blog. I even titled it “Let’s Get Impersonal.” That was for effect. Now I’m going to tell you to get personal.

“Blog to your best friend.”

Now that you’re not talking about that hair that keeps growing back in that awkward spot, and what you wore to work yesterday, let’s get intimate.

It’s easy to blabber, “blah.” To engage your readers, its best to envision them. Talk to them like you know them, like they are your family. In a way, we are.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Let's Get Impersonal

Don't take this offense to this. In general, the population at large doesn’t want to spend their time reading about all the cranky ladies who harassed you endlessly at work, or that when you went home you discovered how very hungry your cat was.

"Don't be a 'ME ME ME!'"

Personal blogs are great, but unless you are a Hollywood star, most people won't stick around unless you are offering more. You want to give your audience what they want to hear, so work to cater to the segment of the population where your thoughts stand out. You want to be “the authority" in your subject. You want a niche.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Network To Reach Your Audience

They say its not about what you know, its about who you know. Well this might be true to a point.

"It's not just who you know, its who you are willing to know."

I like to leave myself open to forge new relationships.

Its great to network and get in with those who already have an audience. If you show value, both parties benefit from sharing each others' content. One of you could interview the other, and you could use the story on both parties' blogs.

Keep checking in for more tips!